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We ask for your help to ensure we can remain able to continue soccer training during the winter months.


Notification for COVID-19 

 Please notify us immediately if there is any illness with an athlete or a family member.  Our policy will be to notify any groups that have had an athlete who has tested positive for COVID-19.  We will do an extra thorough cleaning if that happens. I’d like us all to work together to be as diligent as possible so that we can prevent any unnecessary closing of our facility. 


Class Participation

Our model has always focused on having small group training.  We will be diligent on the numbers in the groups to reduce the risk of exposure.  I know that schedules change.  We are hoping to keep the groups consistent.  If we can stay diligent and keep the groups together and avoid less rotation, that would be ideal.  This will be an important step to help us get through the next several months. 


 Placement of Belongings

We are diligent to take appropriate precautions to keep our athletes safe and healthy.  We know that winter is coming. We understand that athletes will have boots and winter jackets.  We will open up our front door and waiting area for our athletes only as soon as the weather changes dramatically.  We ask that athletes place their items where the hanging hooks are and keep appropriate space amongst each other’s belongings. 



In addition, we would like to ask all of our families to comply with the following:

  • Please do not come to practice and or games if you are not feeling well – fever, coughing, stuffy nose etc. 

  • Everyone must wear a mask when entering and exiting the building and or walking around the non-playing surface.  Participants may remove their masks only when they are playing and must put them back on whenever they leave the playing field, including going to the restroom. Coaches and trainers will always have a mask on.

  • Everyone is asked to sanitize their hands when arriving and when leaving the facility.  There are sanitizing stations for both hands and equipment in several locations throughout the building.

  • Athletes, please bring water bottle onto the field and leave on folding table with your mask. 

  • Practice social distancing when you can.


Requirements for Athletes & Families on Quarantine

Please do not come to Excel Soccer Skills if you or a family member have contracted COVID-19.  Please comply with the quarantine period.      


Please do not come to Excel Soccer Skills if you or a family member have been asked or required to quarantine because of contact with someone with Covid until the date that your quarantine period is complete.  I know that this is a difficult decision but we need to be notified proactively regarding you and your family’s quarantine status.   


Waiting Rooms News

Please, if you can, drop off and pick up your athlete.  Athletes can now enter front door and will be asked to leave through front door and go immediately to the car for pick-up.  Please understand we won’t let the other group in until the other group leaves.   We want to ensure that our athletes stay on the field during the entire session.  This allows us to separate athletes from other families. 

I enjoy seeing all the parents – you are all a part of the Excel Soccer Skills family.  And I know how many parents enjoy watching the training.  Please understand that I must take appropriate steps to help us to remain open and training our youth soccer athletes over the winter. I have made the difficult decision to keep our waiting room closed.  This reduces our risk significantly.  With the growing covid-19 cases, we must take the necessary steps. 




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